Glen is an IT Person who also plays games and occasionally writes things. He has a website at and tweets @memoryresident.
Here are a couple of tools I wrote in python to parse and merge/ join Nmap .xml report files.
Nmap is great for network auditing. Scanning from an internal, privileged, and/or fast network location (eg inside your firewall) is straightforward and fast, but doesn’t give you the whole picture – which discovered hosts and services are exposed from a different – eg external/public network.
To get this info, you could do a firewall config audit, but if you don’t have this access or just want to do a functional test of the firewall, you need to run another scan. For the same accuracy, you’ll want the full range (1-65535) portscan, and this takes time. Also, this kind of scan is noisy and may generate a lot of firewall/ips logs. Lastly, if you traverse an IPS/IDS with such a noisy scan, it may drop you as malicious, and the rest of the results are lost.
An alternative approach is to do a full scan internally, and use the results to make a much quieter external scan targeting only known live hosts and services. can generate nmap ‘rescan’ commands to run from outside the firewall, and helps tidy up the results by merging the multiple output files back into a single report.
The workflow goes something like this:
Hopefully someone else finds these tools useful. You can download and from my GNXTools repo on bitbucket.
[1] I am aware Zenmap can also load multiple nmap report files for viewing; though it does not merge/save.
A really useful WordPress feature is support for hosting multiple sites from the same core install. I used to run WordPress-MU for this purpose before it was rolled into the main version. If you have control of DNS you can easily have sites as subdomains, or even map a seperate domain to a subsite using a plugin such as WordPress MU Domain Mapping.
Since I use SSL with a wildcard certificate this also means I can securely administer wordpress subsites via while having a public non-ssl url of http://subsite-example.tld.
I recently installed the plugin WP-To-Twitter to use on a subsite, and found that when posting updates to twitter, wordpress unfortunately provides it with the permalink instead of the http://subsite-example.tld/link-to-post permalink. This doesn’t seem to be the fault of either plugin as MU Domain Mapping is using some smoke and mirrors rewriting to display the mapped http://subsite-example.tld domain while the plugins in the secure wordpress admin URL (including wp-to-twitter) rightly see the site as if it is located at I tried a few combinations of changing the site_url and home_url values in the network admin –> sites panel, but only succeeded in breaking my domain mapping. Until domain mapping is baked into the wordpress core I suspect this will continue to be an issue.
I’m not a wordpress/plugin dev by any stretch but I spent a couple of hours looking through the code for wp-to-twitter and concocted a (temporary) hack which is now posting the correct permalink to twitter. I would have been happy with hardcoding the domain value since the plugin is only being used on one site, but in the end I learned a few things about core wordpress PHP functions and came up with a solution which should work for multiple subsites / domains.
I based part of this solution on the post here:
Here’s the code:
Add the following function to wp-content/plugins/wp-to-twitter/wpt-functions.php
Edit the following in wp-content/plugins/wp-to-twitter/wpt-truncate.php
That’s it; the ‘Tweet Now’ box in the post editor should use the domain mapped link.
A while ago I cooked up a bash script to scan relevant internal subnets for ssl certs, save/parse a copy of the x509 data and list all the discovered info in a delimited text file for analysis in a spreadsheet.
This works well by itself, but for the convenience of quick lookups without involving excel or libreoffice, a web page can be useful. PHP provides a simple method for converting a delimited file into a table (fgetcsv() ), and jQuery has a great plugin called tablesorter which allows you to do some quick sorting and filtering right there in the browser. It didnt take long to mash these together into a one script web page to display the sortable certificate data at a glance.
The sample only shows the three dummy values I’ve included in the demo, but I’ve used this in production with 600+ scanned certs and it works well.
Installation Steps